Thursday, 22 May 2014

Other pages from Final Major Project sketchbook

Split Grade Printing
Second set of images from experimenting
with double
exposures in the colour darkroom.
First set of images from experimenting with
 double exposures in the colour darkroom.

Print from colour film shoot at Lichfield Guildhall

Prints from colour film shoot in London
Sandwich printing in darkroom

Prints from Blossom colour film shoot
Favourite images from Sunset Portraiture Shoot
Cloud cyanotypes
Darkroom vs Digital

Darkroom Experiments - Sunflower Portraiture Shoot

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Experimentations in the Darkroom

Chemigram Process
Double Exposure

Photogram process

Types of Files

GIF (Graphics Interchangable Format)

-Good for logos, icons
-Good for websites/blogs
-Good for short silent videos
-Good for animations
-Large file size
-May not work on some sites
-Can be slow

TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)

-Good for a high quality image
-Good for professional printing 
-The best available quality you can get for an image
-Large file size, can take up a lot of space on your computer
-Difficult to share via email, upload to a website etc

PNG (Portable Network Graphics)

-Usually has a smaller file size than a GIF
-Good for colourful images
-Best to be avoided with large photographs with a lot of detail in them
-Larger than a JPEG


-Generates High Quality images
-Best for photographers
-Also known as a digital negative
-An unprocessed image which will remember details of the image taken, which means later on when you come to edit them you'll be able to save more of the image if it is overexposed or underexposed.
-Takes up considerably more room than a JPEG
-Can take up a large amount of space which may cause camera/computer to act slow
-A lot of software programs will not be able to open/recognize the file

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)

-Suitable for most images
-Saves images which are high in detail and quailty
-Can be good for printing but it will depend on the MB of the image
-Almost every software will be able to open a JPEG file
-Not usually likely to crash your system 
-Highly compressed and flexible for file size, quality 
-Easy to share
-Said to not be suitable for logos or icons

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Long Exposures

Increased contrast and lowered brightness. Used the burn tool in some areas.

Desaturated colour and increased Contrast a little. Added an orange filter
 over the top of the image in photoshop.

Haven't really done much to this image. Love the colours and tone. 

Experimented with using a long shutter on my DSLR camera for the first time. I took these on the coast during the Easter Holidays. I used a neutral density filter and tripod when taking these photos. I had the shutter release at varying between 25-30seconds. I am pleased with the final turn outs.

Friday, 28 March 2014

Photos taken in the past week.

Experimenting with the natural light beaming into the gig room. Took this photo just before a gig which I photographed.

Taken with colour film at the Guildhall in Lichfield. I call it "Light, Shadow and a pair of shoes", the pun-tum of this photo is the pair of shoes near the bottom right part of the picture. 

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Initial Art Research for FINAL MAJOR PROJECT


Uta Barth is an Abstract Photographer, she uses photography to examine the differences between seeing through a camera lens and the human eye and what they capture. I am a huge fan of Barth's work. I describe her work as: Abstract, contemporary and dreamy. It is very unique to any other photographers work. She is a fantastic photographer and one of my favourites. 


Aaron Siskind was a very talented abstract photographer who photographed mainly macro prints of subjects such as peeling paint, textured flooring and everyday things people don't really tend to notice often. His work is known to people all around the world. It would be interesting to carry out one of my own shoots inspired by Siskind's work.


Was a Hungarian photographer who captured the essence of a city (mainly Paris) in his photographs. I adore his work, especially his reflection pieces. He uses street lights as the source of light in his work. 

Thursday, 16 January 2014

PDF Files

Portable Document Format; also known as PDF is a computer document which look exactly like the original documents the person/s have created. The document can be shared with others who are able to open & see/read the document (regardless of which software they use). PDF files were developed by Adobe Systems, and served as a way for people using multiple word processing systems to share finished documents. An advantage of the PDF file is that the file can be locked by the creator of the document and can't be edited by others, and that's even is they also have the software! Because the documents are secure, the originator of the document maintains a high level of control, even when the document has been distributed widely.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

River Exe Photoshoot (Postcards & Genres)

These 3 images were from a photo shoot I did early this year inspired by postcards and landscape images.

The dramatic lighting adds atmosphere and gives a good contrast of colour and silhouetting.

Inspired by a photo taken by Peter Fraser
AAAAAAAAFe0/alGyhA0mYbg/s400/towel+crop.jpg) a clothes washing line on the beach. 

A postcard I created for the Genres Part 2 project. I actually really like the ripples of the water in this image, it gives a bit of  meaning. I would of liked to experiment with shutter speed a bit more (slow shutter) which would make the water look completely flat and also look moving.

Vintage shoot! (Genres)

Vintage shoot
Model: Amy
Close up side shots.

Posed images. 
Experimenting with different lighting.
Experimenting with a different
I did this shoot as part of a photography task in the 'Genres' Project. I am really pleased with some of the final images. Presented on this post are 6 of my favourite photos from the shoot. I love the colour of the background, it adds even more of a vintage look to the images. Amy's hair piece is considered to be a big part in the photos.